I'm still a bit boring with posts right now. We had the missionaries in our house last night with a girl we know and her friend who is investigating. So Mike and Izzy stayed outside and when they finally came in they also brought a lil' bunny who was trying to eat my hycinths. Yes I know the 'dangers' to us and to the the bunny, we're not idiots folks. But Isabel wants to play and take pictures so I think we'll do Easter pictures with the Easter Bunny's offspring this afternoon... if the wind ever stops. I live in a wind tunnel. It sounds like my house is going to blow over, it has to be hurricane force winds, no rain, sometimes sun but major wind. I hope my flowers last thru it so I can take the pics near the flowers.
I need sleep, I'm off for a nap. I hope to have something more exciting soon.
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
22 hours ago