So after the overly exciting trip out to ID we left on that Saturday and flew to WA to see my family. When we got there Mom told us that Dad was sick. They have been having issues with their well and they had little water pressure so we were going to have to ration the water somewhat. So we went home and Dad looked awful. Of course most all of my friends were out of town so I only really saw Eric two days as he was getting married. Sunday morning after we finally figured out where we were going for church, we were in the car starting to leave and Mom came out to see if we had a house key. Dad had been feeling better and then took a turn for the worse. During church I got a call from my mom that she was taking Dad to the hospital. About 3hrs later it turns out that my Dad appendix was about to burst so at the ripe age of 58 my dad had an emergency appendectomy. Apparently the nastiness was leeching into his system and the bacteria has traveled to his colon and his stomach. He needed to stay all day Monday to stay on antibotics and then thought it would be a good time to continue his practice of not taking drugs and doing his self-hyposis crap. Later that night he thought everything was getting worse and didn't believe his wife and daughter when they said TAKE THE DRUGS!!! I guess the MD just told the nurses to give it to him and amazingly he felt great the next day and came home. Right before we got there my sister left for Tanzinia for her PhD research. She's setting it up for next year so there were lots of emails flying around keeping her posted.
The rest of the trip was thankfully more mild and aside from Mike not feeling well for a day or two, mom getting sick for a couple of days we had a great time. Isabel LOVED the horses and went out everyday with mom to feed. She helped clean the water buckets, and even sat on our miniature horse. She was scared but had fun. It was so cute to see my mom and Izzy bonding over the horses.
We went fabric shopping for baby number two's quilt and room decor.
On Friday, a great friend was married in the Portland temple. Mike and I went to the sealing and Isabel stayed with my parents and had soo much fun. Mom took her to the tack store to find more horse gear.... she already has her next pair of boots for people to drool over. (Cheyenne you have to get Olivia some boots!)
THe sealing was great and on the way back up from Portland we stopped at TACO TIME!!! and my grandparents new house. OH! I almost forgot my G'ma, Aunt and Uncle came up on Thursday and my Uncle caught fresh crab on the Sound outside his backdoor and cooked it for me so I had the best fresh crab. It was DELICIOUS!
Saturday was the only overcast cloudy day so we all sat around and treated it like a cold winters day. Mike, Isabel and I went to the wedding reception (Mom and Dad were both not feeling well) and Isabel danced up a storm in her pink cowboy boots. and the Radimak's loved it!
The last bit of saga for our trip follows
You know when you eat so much you want to throw up... I actually did all over my parents driveway after the reception. I guess I don't have as much room in my stomach as I used to. silly babies! I felt better after wards but the next morning we were flying out and I was still a little queasy. We all know that I get motion sick on airlines... but thankfully with Dramamine it's all good... oh wait I can't take that while I'm pregnant. So randomly in the middle of the first flight I got sick. Needless to say we were all ready to be back home at this point and after a layover in Minniapolis/St Paul I about lost it on the next flight and my awesome husband sat with Isabel in the row in front of my and since her carseat was to wide she had her own big girl seat. She kept turning around (at the aforementioned fabulous husbands request) and trying to talk to me while I was just trying to not get sick. She was totally cute wanting to look at EVERY thing out the window and wanting to know what everything was. All in all an interesting but great trip.
I"m so glad to be home!
OK so now for the pictures!
What an adventure! You better just stay close to home! J/K Glad you could visit your family.
I'm sorry you didn't feel well, but you look great!!!
And those pink boots are awesome :-D
What is Eric doing wearing that cowboy hat????? I didn't know he was a wrangler man. I'm so happy you blogged about Seattle, the best place on earth. Hope you guys had fun shopping wish I would have been there not just for the shopping but to hang out with one of my fav families.
bless you heart! When are we going to hear a bunch of good news?
So glad that they got your dad to the hospital in time! I am glad he is doing better. Tanzania huh? What a trip. How is Eric? So glad that he is doing well & that you got to visit him, we loved meeting him at your wedding. He is such a doll.You look so pretty preggie!!! I love the outfit at the wedding! Isabel looks so cute on the miniature horse! I love it! Oh I miss you! Take care!
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