This past Sunday we blessed Stella. It was a wonderful day. My aunt Barbie made her blessing dress, bonnett, and booties. She looked beautiful!
We were fortunate to have many friends and family there to help us. (for posterities sake I will list them here, Daddy, G'pa Eric, G. G'pa Arden, Uncle Jamo, G. Uncle Barry and Scott, Bishop Fred, Pres Mackey (stake Presidency), Jake Ericson, Billy Hunter, Ryan Lenahan, Dana Farnsworth) Unfortunatley.. we were not able to get all 12 guys in the pictures. Jamo, Billy and Ryan had to leave, and Bisho... well he's a Bishop and I couldn't catch him after Sacrament meeting.
In an effort to not be out done with attention... Isabel was CRAZY at church all day. At one point she left Sacrament meeting, presumably to go to the bathroom, and I found out after church she left to run around the (hardwood floored) gym in her mini heeled shoes. Yeah... she was THAT kid.
I learned a few things that day mainly that I should never stand on the right side of MIke for pictures... my right side is not my pretty side. :)
So here is our wonderful Stella.